Post-menopause Vitamin D deficiency linked to disc degeneration and lower back pain

Post-menopause Vitamin D deficiency linked to disc degeneration and lower back pain

The North American Menopause Society have issued a new press release linking post-menopause Vitamin D deficiency with disc degeneration and lower back pain. The non-profit organization are ‘dedicated to promoting the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond through an understanding of menopause and healthy ageing.’

Previous research has highlighted lumbar disc degeneration and the effect of oestrogen. In addition to lower oestrogen levels, Vitamin D deficiency is common during the post-menopause period.

North American Menopause Society’s medical director Dr. Stephanie Faubion said, “This shows that very low Vitamin D levels were linked to a greater likelihood of moderate to severe lower back pain and more severe lumbar disc degeneration, possibly because of the beneficial effects Vitamin D has on nerve and muscle pain sensitivity, muscle strength and mass and inflammation.”

NOTE:  Public Health England recommends that the majority of adults should consider taking a daily supplement of 10 micrograms of Vitamin D during the autumn and winter months.  Those who have little or no exposure to the sun and those from ethnic minority groups with dark skin should consider taking a supplement all year round.

Cheeky Panda

Cheeky Panda

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