Harvard Professor believes a plant based diet could prevent 1 in 3 early deaths

Harvard Professor believes a plant based diet could prevent 1 in 3 early deaths

Dr Walter Willett,  professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard Medical School believes the benefits of eating a plant based diet has been vastly underestimated.  Dr Willett, speaking at the Unite to Cure Fourth International Vatican Conference in Vatican City believes that at least one third of early deaths could be prevented by switching to a plant based diet.  

This follows a previous study by the University of Oxford in 2016, “Analysis and valuation of the health and climate cobenifits of dietary change“. The study concluded that a global switch to diets that rely less on meat and more on vegetables and fruits could save up to 8 million lives by 2050 and reduce gas emissions by two thirds.

NOTE:  Unite to Cure is an international event comprised of the world’s leading scientists, physicians, government officials and faith leaders.  This year the event focused on advancing breakthrough technologies and was given the title “How science, technology and 21st century medicine will impact culture and society”.

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