Consistently exercising 2-3 times a week linked to a lower risk of insomnia

Consistently exercising 2-3 times a week linked to a lower risk of insomnia

An international 10 year study published in the journal BMJ Open found that consistently exercising 2-3 times a week over the long term is linked to a lower risk of insomnia as well as the ability to sleep for the recommended 6-9 hours every night.

The researchers assessed the frequency, duration and intensity of weekly physical activity and sleep habits among middle-aged adults in 9 European countries. The 4399 participants, 2085 men and 2254 women were taking part in European Community Respiratory Health Survey. After adjusting for sex, age, weight and smoking history it was found that individuals who were consistently active were 42% less likely to find difficulty in falling asleep, 22% less likely to experience insomnia and 29% less likely to sleep 6 hours or less.

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