New Canadian study into age-related neurodegenerative diseases

New Canadian study into age-related neurodegenerative diseases

Canadian researchers are recruiting older adults aged 60-80 across Canada for clinical trials into neurodegenerative diseases including dementia.  The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Ageing (CCNA) are working with over 400 clinicians and researchers to accelerate progress in age-related neurodegenerative diseases. 

” Our couch potato lifestyles are unhealthy for our brains,” said Dr Carol Greenwood, nutrtion and brain health expert and senior scientist.  “Physical activity not only helps with the growth of new brain cells, it also helps these cells become integrated into a person’s brain networks which are then used to complete everyday tasks.”  Dr Greenwood who is leading the clinical trial will examine the effectiveness of a combined diet and exercise intervention, “People could reap greater brain health benefits when these lifestyle changes are paired together compared to each lifestyle factor on its own.” 

Doctors to prescribe parkrun to patients

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